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Al Hayat: A prominent leader in the majority regrets Fares non-participation in the government
01 Feb 2011

A prominent majority leader regretted the non-participation of former Vice Prime Minister Issam Fares in the government, although the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister wish to attribute to him the post of Vice Prime Minister along with the Ministry of Defense. He considered that his refusal will surely reshuffle the cards of the Orthodox representation and will lead the parties to look for someone who will fill this post and be accepted by the other side.

In this context, Al Hayat learned from presidential sources that Fares thanked all those who contacted him to take part in the cabinet, asserting that “he is ready to serve his country regardless of his post.”

According to information, the President and the Prime Minister prefer to see Fares at the head of the Ministry of Defense and they consider that his refusal “will open the door for most of the former opposition, in light of what is said about its willingness to leave Sleiman the freedom to choose the Minister of Defense, in return of its freedom to choose the Minister of Interior. Therefore, it has no objection to choosing former Minister Naji Bustani since he constitutes a link between Baabda and the Syrian leadership and he’s playing currently the role of political messenger between them.”