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Invitation to a talk and discussion with Mrs. Nelly Lahoud, Assistant Professor of Political Theory at Goucher College, Baltimore
08 Jun 2010
The Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs

cordially invites you to

A talk and discussion with

Nelly Lahoud
Assistant Professor of Political Theory at Goucher College, Baltimore, MD
Associate, The John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University

"Understanding Jihadi Ideology"

Date: Friday 11 June 2010
Time: 12:30 - 2:00 p.m.
Location: Auditorium A, West Hall, AUB

Short Bio:

Nelly Lahoud's current research builds on her recent book entitled The Jihadis' Path to Self-Destruction (forthcoming New York/London: Columbia University Press/Hurst, June 2010). It is intended to explore the Westphalian order of nation-states through the prism of jihadi ideologues and to examine the premises of their rejection of the nation-state. The jihadis' negation of the modern order of states is a decisive feature that sets them apart from Islamists who have channeled their programs into the political processes since the 1980s.
In addition to analyzing texts authored by jihadi ideologues, she plans to investigate various regional and international Islamic conferences that sprang in the wake of the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, the new language that shaped the parameters of the nation-states in the Middle East and the impact of these changes.

Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs
408 Diana Tamari Sabbagh (DTS) Building
American University of Beirut
PO Box 11-0236,
Riad el Solh,
Beirut 1107 2020,

Tel: 961 1 350000, x 4150/1
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