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Meeting the General Secretary of the 'World Without Terrorism' Organization
27 Jan 2004

The Vice President of the Lebanese Government Mr. Issam Fares received the General Secretary of the “World Without Terrorism” Organization, Professor Andrew Baykov,  accompanied by the President of the “Center of the Middle East for the Public Studies and Relations” , the Brigadier General Doctor Hisham Jaber.

The Russian visitor informed the Vice President of the Lebanese Government of the world conference program. A conference that should be held the 21st of April in Bari – Italy. Mr. Baykov invited Mr. Fares to come and take part in the conference pointing out the letters he sent on that issue to the president Emile Lahoud and the Arab leaders. Mr. Fares encouraged Mr. Baykov and his organization to continue in their efforts for a better world, more peaceful and where the reasons of terrorism would be inexistent; a world of justice, equity and of human and states rights.